Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jacket Love

Both these jackets are by Element and I think they look so comfortable and lovely! I am in love with parka jackets, I need more!

I have wanted a black parka for a long time, I have a green one and sometimes you just can't wear certain things but this is just so warm looking! Check it out here! 

This one is really classic looking, like Paddington Bear meets parka, I really like it and I think it looks like a really great fit! Check it out here!

I really like Element they have a really classic, basic rage of clothes but they look great they are perfect everyday wear!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Shoe Love

I have worn converse and vans for the longest time and I have only recently found DC Shoes, I have never been a fan of the big chunky DC's, the ones for girls anyway, mens ones are nice, the girl ones are just naff to me but their thinner leaner shoes are awesome! 

Aren't these just gorgeous! I really want them!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Berlin: Steiff

I have had a Steiff teddy bear since I was born, my father used to do a lot of work in Germany and would feel really bad about leaving my sister and I, so he got us one each from the most beloved teddy bear company. Steiff to me is my childhood, so when I stepped into KaDeWe on The Kurfürstendamm and saw the Steiff display it was really exciting for me. 

I remember my dad bringing home the Steiff catalogue and wanting a 6ft giraffe! The fact of the matter is these teddys are really expensive, it's around 50 euro for a small teddy.

If you ever have a kinder I recommend investing in a Steiff, for me it's something I will hold on to forever. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Travels

I have recently got to add another location to my map, I made this on google maps and have been keeping it up to date, which I will be blogging about on here very soon. 

I am so lucky to have traveled this much at the age of 20 but I hope to fill this map before I leave this earth. That is my goal.

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Day: 16th of November 2012

My day has been very good, got up early and went to town to hand in some film, public transport is a bit a of a drag but otherwise it was smooth, when I got home I got a delivery, it was my Sigur Ros DVD I have wanted this for ages! 

It is such a beautiful dvd, it goes through their music and also their country, which is somewhere I need to go in my lifetime. I hope to go sooner rather than later. Watch this space.

I then rushed to the beach to shoot for my project, I was such an overcast day with lots of fog but it was a mild success so I can rest a little easy...kind of.

I met up with my friend and we went to Glendalough, it is such a nice place but actually it was getting really late and we had about a half an hour there which sucked! 

I then met the puppies!!

This is Buster! He is 10 and he is adorable and sweet! 

This is Rooney and he is still a puppy, he is mental and attention seeking and lovely! 
I love boxers, they are great dogs, my aunt had two when I was younger and they were such lovely animals. I want more dogs!

Right now I am going to go to bed because I have a little holiday tomorrow so night and I will update you when I am back!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday 12th of November 2012

Today was the day I needed to get some work done, I had to go out and shoot.
I had such bad anxiety before leaving my house. I had to go though. 

I decided to head to Bray to scout out for another brief that is coming up. Again massive mental struggle to do anything. So ended up crying again. It's been an emotional week! I really hate being a girl sometimes! I decided to get a bag of these. Eating generally distracts although I really don't want to go down that road!

I really needed to get my head sorted, I was on my own and am going to be on my own I decided to get a grip and go do some searching. I needed to find good locations to shoot, I realize this may be a little more difficult, actually it will probably be very difficult, but I have to get going on it because I don't have much time! I decided to turn off the road and followed the signs to Sally Gap, I have lovely memories of this place and it is just so beautiful I needed to go somewhere that takes my breath away and these places do. 

I have to get a grip. I really do, how I don't know but I will.

This is one of those over emotional posts but anyway. It's a part of my twenties, it's going in my blog.

Today was tough but I don't think this is going to get easier but I will get through it.

So happy driving, I finally have a bit of dirt on my car :) Let's add a bit more!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Week 5th to the 11th of November 2012.

So you know I said that I was looking forward to this week...well I was wrong. Very wrong.

Tuesday was a waste for me, college wise, if I was informed of what my day would of been like I would have allotted my time accordingly but alas they did not so I decided to go somewhere to get my head sorted so I went here, it's beautiful, again a bit too populated for me but oh it's so gorgeous. I have only been in this area when it was covered in snow and never went here but I am so glad I did.

When I was going back to my car I spotted this gorgeous stag. Absolutely beautiful, I also saw a doe earlier on in my walk. They are absolutely beautiful. 

I am obsessed with a BLT sandwich from Avoca, so expensive but so worth it, it's so tastey!

 To have a break from all that was going on with college I decided to go see some friends, went to Nando's for the first time, very pleasant I may say also free refills! Awesome!

And to drown the sorrows, this is delicious!

Basically, moral of the story is, one thing led to the whole week being so miserable for me, so don't look forward to anything. Just go through everything a day at a time when you are in a situation that you may not like because thinking that something is going to help may actually turn out be the worst thing imaginable. Pessimistic I know but it's murphy's law. 

Also this week I have been sick and I am running really behind on everything!

Ask yourself, why are you doing this and is it worth it? If it's not change it. But right now I would say no but for the well being of others I am going to do this and then I can do things for me. Hopefully. 

Also I am going to update a day at a time.

Have good days.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Week 29th October to 4th November 2012

This has been my week! This inspires me to go out and do more! I want pretty memories and this blog is a great way to keep them all.

Monday was a bust so that's not being shown! Everyone is allowed to have a bad day!


My best friend came over and I did her makeup for her night out for Halloween, She had this spray in hair colour in blue and I sprayed the ends, I absolutely love it! I really want to dye the ends of my hair navy blue, I think it would look awesome! 


Halloween was also a bust, I went into the studio and everything went wrong! So I decided to buy some snacks and DVDs and have a chill night in. We dressed my dog as a pumpkin she is so adorable!!


It was so cold on thursday, finally felt like winter there was frost on my windshield! I went for a lovely walk in the morning, I love going to the beach, waves make me really happy!


I went to Carrickmines, it was an hilarious experience, I knew how to get there but I second guessed myself and ended up so far from where I was going! Seriously need to believe in myself more, I am really quite good at things! I got some great things and had a browse in TK Maxx and Pet Stop, I love pet shops! 


I went for another walk, I love having a reading week I can go for walks early and still do some work. A beautiful Red Admiral fluttered by and I got to snap it, they are so gorgeous! I also made a cake, let me just say I can whip up a cake made my hand in about 10 minutes and it tastes delicious! I have also watched 2 Broke Girls all day, it's funny and there is cake involved! 


Sunday is always a chill day but as I have been relaxing a bit too much I had a bit to do, so I am going to post this and then clean my room and research and workbook all night. Today was nice though, the happy feeling I get when I get some exercise and take in some beautiful places. I am shooting on film for a project and I am so excited to see the results hopefully it will look like the image below except not so Instagram-like.

 I had a lovely week filled with ups and downs but now its time to get back to work, I have a busy week next week, I have some new things happening that will sure to make me get out of my comfort zone but it will be worth it in the end! I can't wait to see what next week brings.

I hope you had an awesome week!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Herschel Backpacks.

I have had my JanSport backpack for a good few years and it is starting to look quite grubby, I would love a Herschel bag they are so cool looking and they seem like they would be amazing quality! 

I have a couple that I like a lot there is this Little America Mid-Volume backpack it's really nice, it will fit a 15" Macbook  so it's perfect for college.  I love the leather straps and buckles! 

The next one is the Woodlands Canvas bag, it's so simple but I really like it, it's classic and the straps on the back are black leather and has buckles, it's gorgeous! 

So if you want you should check out Herschel, they seem like really great bags! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

53 Degrees North

I went to Carrickmines today to get some base layers in 53 Degrees North unfortunately they had very little in the sale stock that was in my size but alas! I found some base bottoms, I am heading to somewhere very cold in a few weeks time so I am getting ready! I bought these they were originally 52 euro and they were on sale for 26 euro. Which is ok, I like things a bit cheaper but I will get good use of these so I think I can part with the cash. 

 I can never go into 53 Degrees without buying something from the clothes sale section, I am really lucky when it comes to sales recently, I love the streetwear of Quicksilver and Roxy and I was checking the rack to see if I could find something awesome but I came across this shirt, I love the colours, I love the fit, I love this shirt, it's amazing on and it was down from 60 euro to 30 euro. I want to get all 4 of them I saw but I think that may be a bit much! 

Basically, go to 53 Degrees North because they have some great stuff and the Carrickmines store is big and is really nicely laid out, I had to trek to the Blachardstown shop and it was quite difficult but I really love this shop! 

Timberland Boots

I have never really been a fan of the classic Timberland boot, never really thought I'd suit them but these are a pair I could really contemplate buying. 

They are the Premium 6 Boot Nubuck in Dark Purple I think they look awesome! I am someone who falls over standing so I need something that will keep me upright I'd be really interested in trying a pair out, If you think they are good let me know! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Barbour Love

I am in love with this parka from Barbour! I tried one on in Brown Thomas down in Cork and fell in love! It is so expensive but I would love to own it! Check it out!