Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Week 29th October to 4th November 2012

This has been my week! This inspires me to go out and do more! I want pretty memories and this blog is a great way to keep them all.

Monday was a bust so that's not being shown! Everyone is allowed to have a bad day!


My best friend came over and I did her makeup for her night out for Halloween, She had this spray in hair colour in blue and I sprayed the ends, I absolutely love it! I really want to dye the ends of my hair navy blue, I think it would look awesome! 


Halloween was also a bust, I went into the studio and everything went wrong! So I decided to buy some snacks and DVDs and have a chill night in. We dressed my dog as a pumpkin she is so adorable!!


It was so cold on thursday, finally felt like winter there was frost on my windshield! I went for a lovely walk in the morning, I love going to the beach, waves make me really happy!


I went to Carrickmines, it was an hilarious experience, I knew how to get there but I second guessed myself and ended up so far from where I was going! Seriously need to believe in myself more, I am really quite good at things! I got some great things and had a browse in TK Maxx and Pet Stop, I love pet shops! 


I went for another walk, I love having a reading week I can go for walks early and still do some work. A beautiful Red Admiral fluttered by and I got to snap it, they are so gorgeous! I also made a cake, let me just say I can whip up a cake made my hand in about 10 minutes and it tastes delicious! I have also watched 2 Broke Girls all day, it's funny and there is cake involved! 


Sunday is always a chill day but as I have been relaxing a bit too much I had a bit to do, so I am going to post this and then clean my room and research and workbook all night. Today was nice though, the happy feeling I get when I get some exercise and take in some beautiful places. I am shooting on film for a project and I am so excited to see the results hopefully it will look like the image below except not so Instagram-like.

 I had a lovely week filled with ups and downs but now its time to get back to work, I have a busy week next week, I have some new things happening that will sure to make me get out of my comfort zone but it will be worth it in the end! I can't wait to see what next week brings.

I hope you had an awesome week!

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